Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trip to the Dominican Republic

At the end of July, we had the great opportunity of leading a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. It was an amazing time. We stayed for about four days after the team returned to the States. These are a few of the pictures of us spending time with friends. It had been three years since we had visited and the very first time for our dear friends to meet Lucy. In fact, Lucy took her very first independent steps in the DR!! Lucy playing with Micah and Mariana
Eva's dear friend/mentor Ann and her youngest daughter Natalie.

Lucy's first time in the sand.

Andy went on a hike. This beautiful waterfall was one of the ones we frequented when we lived there.

Perhaps one of the greatest highlights was seeing 16 out of the 20 kids that Eva taught and Andy worked with for two years. With a high school graduation rate of about 4% we were delighted to hear that 16 out of the 20 had graduated and the majority are continuing with their education.

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