Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lucy Lu

Well, here we are in January. Since we last blogged, Eva has gone back to work part time. While mom is at work, Lucy enjoys spending time with Grandma and Eva's best friend April. Lucy Grace is now five months old and growing (more in length than anything). The doc says she looks like a stringbean. She is becoming more and more social. In fact, feeding her has become a long ordeal and her daddy can't be in the room or she won't eat. She just wants to watch him the entire time. She will smile at anything that moves including Fiesta, her favorite cat. On Christmas day she decided to roll over for the first time. She rolls from her back to her stomach. The problem is she hates being on her tummy and screams her head off. It really is quite hilarious. Here are a few pictures of the last few months. Enjoy!

Rice Cereal

Trying rice cereal for the first time went over REALLY well as you an see.


Play time

Playing with one of her favorite friends, Brennan. Trying the Johnny Jump Up for the first time. She liked it so much she was in it for an hour!
More playing

Reading Dr. Seuss in Spanish.

Lovin' the Bumbo chair!

Christmas tree hunting

Morning routines

Lucy participating in Dad's morning devotions.

The wild look

The mohawk.....lookin' good! It is all natural by the way.
Trying to get a smile on Lucy's face for the camera is a challenge since this is her reaction every time to the red power light.

Hanging out with Family

Uncle Will working his magic and getting Lucy to sleep!
Cousin Russell working his magic and waking her up!

Hanging out

Our friend Brian got to meet Lucy and insisted that a picture be taken and posted on the blog. (He can be somewhat demanding).We got to see Brian a little while later at his wedding. Congratulations Brian and Maggie!

Last hike in Paradise

To enjoy our last weekend of my maternity leave, we headed to Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park. We had a great time enjoying the amazing weather.